Strap on your virtual reality headset: Hunter Hayes wants to take you into “Yesterday”

ABC/Image Group LAHunter Hayes wants to take you into a new dimension. He’s partnered with YouTube to offer a new virtual reality version of his latest single, “Yesterday’s Song.”

If you hadn’t guessed it already, the multi-instrumentalist is also a bit of a techno-geek.

“Anyone who knows me knows how much I love technology,” he confesses, “and I’m constantly amazed by all of the things we can do with just the click of a button. The fact that we can bring fans into the room with us… and actually share an experience with them using virtual reality technology opens up a whole new world for us.”

Be prepared to experience at least half-a-dozen hardworking versions of Hunter as you check out the 360-degree cut of “Yesterday’s Song” on YouTube.

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