How Brad Paisley's Nationwide commercial hints at what to expect on his upcoming album

Sony NashvilleYou can’t get full version of Brad Paisley‘s 11th studio album, Love & War, until April 21st, but you can catch him now as the current pitchman for Nationwide Insurance.

Brad’s second commercial for the company began airing last week and is in heavy rotation. Brad wrote the jingle’s lyrics himself and sings about brand-new kitchens, a new yoga business and “saving up for your family/Because the two of you are about to be three.” At the end, he adds, “A little help can go a long way in your life” — and, of course, the tagline, “Nationwide is on your side.”

The down-home lyrics seem to hint at what’s to come on his upcoming release, with the second single being “Heaven South,” which finds Brad singing about fried chicken and sweet iced tea.

Other tracks on Love & War that look to follow these same lighthearted, yet inherently familiar themes are “One Beer Can,” “Grey Goose Chase,” and “Selfie#Theinternetisforever.”

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