Newcomers Raelynn and Lindsey Ell release new music today, adding potential girl power to country radio

ABC/Image Group LAThe top 20 songs in this week’s Mediabase Country Airplay chart only contain two female solo artists. Raelynn and Lindsey Ell will release new music today with hopes of doing something about those stats.

Raelynn was just 17 when she first caught Blake Shelton‘s ear with her Pistol Annies-inspired blind audition on The Voice‘s second season. Ultimately, she was sent home by Blake during the competitions quarterfinals.

The country singer has done a lot of growing in the five years since she was a precocious teenager on the show. And, with her debut album, Wildhorse, released today, RaeLynn– now 22– is set to make her mark. The album’s lead single, “Love Triangle,” currently sits at number 32 on the country chart.

Lindsay Elle is also no stranger to Nashville’s music scene. While she’s know for slaying on the guitar, she hasn’t been able to conquer country radio.

Lindsay hopes to change that today with the release of an EP appropriately titled Worth the Wait. The six-song compilation is stacked with vulnerability, giving listeners a front row seat to a deeply personal narrative. The project, incidentally, was produced by Sugarland‘s Kristian Bush.

For a list of where you can catch Lindsay Ell live go to

Raelynn is out on her very own Rave Tour 2017. Find where’s she’s headed at

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