Authorities seek missing teenage girl

Authorities are asking for your help in locating a missing teenage girl.

Missing: 08-29-2017 Age:16 yrs. Race: white Sex: female Height: 5’4” Weight: 140 lbs. Hair: dark brown / dyed purple Eyes: blue Wearing: red long sleeved sweater with cowl neck and black lace up boots Description: fair complexion/freckles, pierced ears, scars on arm Last Seen Location: Sioux Falls, SD   Entered in NCIC

Kiernan Jordan 

Kiernan was last seen on August 29th, 2017 when she became upset and unexpectedly left an appointment in Sioux Falls, SD.  Kiernan left behind a note, her identification, debit card and cell phone.  Kiernan does take required medication which she does not have with her.   Kiernan did have access to cash and her vehicle.  Kiernan had her hair cut and dyed purple in Sioux Falls later on the 29th so may look different than pictured. 

Kiernan’s vehicle was recovered in Omaha, NE on August 31st, 2017 with her     personal items in the vehicle. Kiernan is believed to be an endangered runaway. 

If you have any information on the whereabouts of Kiernan Jordan contact:  Canton Police Department Detective Chris Reitsma (605) 987-5612