Tim McGraw and Faith Hill voice their support for gun control in new “Billboard” cover story

ABC/Image Group LA After the recent tragedy in Las Vegas, Tim McGraw and Faith Hill are voicing their support for gun control, in the latest issue of Billboard.

“Look, I’m a bird hunter — I love to wing shoot.” Tim says. “However, there is some common sense that’s necessary when it comes to gun control. They want to make it about the Second Amendment every time it’s brought up. It’s not about the Second Amendment.”

“In reference to the tragedy in Las Vegas,” Faith continues, “we knew a lot of people there. The doctors that [treated] the wounded, they saw wounds like you’d see in war. That’s not right. Military weapons should not be in the hands of civilians. It’s everyone’s responsibility, including the government and the National Rifle Association, to tell the truth. We all want a safe country.”

You can read more from Tim and Faith in the November 18 issue of Billboard. The couple’s first album together, The Rest of Our Lives, comes out November 17.

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