Police investigate accidental shooting

The Mitchell Department of Public Safety received a report of a male subject with a gunshot wound who was at Avera Queen of Peace Hospital in Mitchell shortly after 7pm last Saturday.  Officers investigated this matter and determined that the injury was apparently the result of the reckless handling of a firearm.

In this incident, a 19-year-old man was at his residence located at 1401 S. Main St. Lot #150 in Mitchell.  The man was practicing his “Quick draw” with a .45 caliber revolver that the man thought was unloaded.  The man shot himself one time in the leg with the revolver as he unholstered the firearm and received non-life threatening injuries.  It appears that the bullet then entered the floor, but did not exit the residence.   No other people were injured in this incident.  One other person was present at the residence when this occurred.

Criminal charges are possible as a result of this incident.   

The Mitchell Police Division would like to remind people to always treat all firearms as though they are loaded when handling them, and to make sure to always keep firearms pointed in a safe direction.