Florida Georgia line teases sexy new song, coming Friday

ABC/Image Group LA Florida Georgia Line continues to tease fans with short clips of the sultry new song they’ll release on Friday. 

“Girl I know you had a long day/You ain’t feeling them downtown lights/But I got a bottle at your favorite place/It’s waiting for us in a bucket on ice,” Tyler Hubbard and Brian Kelley sing in the first snippet they shared.

Though it’s not clear what the title of the track is, the duo posted another section of the song: “Damn I can’t believe, I can’t believe/I talked you into slippin’ down the hall, baby turning on your playlist you play when you’re in the shower/Talked you into taking up our time, making up your mind,” FGL sings.

Both clips are accompanied by footage of a couple dancing, shot in smoky, red and blue silhouettes.

The new track will be the third one released from FGL’s forthcoming follow-up to Dig Your Roots, after their hit “Simple,” and the new song, “Colorado.”  

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