Old Dominion admits “Hotel Key” is “definitely a sex song”

ABC/Image Group LA Reigning ACM Group of the Year Old Dominion isn’t afraid to admit that they’ve written quite a few songs about sex, particularly their latest hit, “Hotel Key.” 

“That is definitely a sex song,” lead singer Matthew Ramsey tells HITS Daily Double. “It’s about a one-night stand. But the truth is, it could just be one night where you get crazy, and it’ll never be like that again. You got drunk together, laughed together, talked and talked together, and you were all there was in the world.”

“Sure, you had sex together,” he goes on, “and it was this amazing thing. But there’s so much more to it than just the sex. It was everything. That line, ‘We danced by the TV we never turned on’ — that line is the whole song.” 

Friday night, OD plays Hard Rock Country Fest in Sioux City, Iowa, before opening Kenny Chesney‘s Trip Around the Sun date Saturday in Kansas City, Missouri. 

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