“Shoot Me Straight”: John Osborne admits Brothers Osborne are “pushing the boat out” with latest hit

ABC Image Group LAThe latest top-25 hit from Brothers Osborne, “Shoot Me Straight,” is from the CMA-and-ACM-winning duo’s sophomore album, Port Saint Joe. But the groundbreaking tune follows the rebel spirit of their previous top-ten, “It Ain’t My Fault,” from their debut, Pawn Shop.

“‘Shoot Me Straight’ is over six minutes long,” John Osborne explains. “We had just come off of ‘It Ain’t My Fault,’ and that song was so much fun to see grow into the single that it became, and to see how it’s grown live, and how people respond to it now.”

“I don’t know, we just wanted to keep doing that for a second,” he admits. “We love playing those big rock anthems at our shows.”

“Shoot Me Straight” builds on the groundwork Brothers built with “It Ain’t My Fault,” but pushes the envelope a little farther.

“It says a lot, the production’s huge,” John says of the lead single from Port Saint Joe. “If you listen to the record version, it’s got a long, kinda heady guitar jam at the end of it. It’s just us trying to take risks, pushing the boat out, trying to say something different, trying to sound a little different.”

“But that’s what art should be,” he reflects. “You know, you should constantly try to push the boundaries of the art, the world, and the spectrum in which you live in.” 

This weekend, John and brother T.J. play fairs and festivals in Mountain Home, Idaho and Great Falls, Montana.

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