Old Dominion will soon turn in their “Hotel Key” and give the world its first taste of #OD3

ABC/Mark LevineOld Dominion‘s currently spending their second week at #1 with “Hotel Key,” but they’re not resting on their laurels: they’re hard at work on #OD3.

Matthew Ramsey hints their next single will be from their upcoming third album.

“We are working hard on the new music,” he says, “so we’ve got quite a bit of it done, and we’ve got something good coming.”

In fact, the general consensus among the five-man band is that they’re feeling a new sense of confidence and freedom making their follow-up to Happy Endings.

“It’s pretty much the best album that you’ve ever heard in your life,” Matthew jokes. “We’re gonna win, like all the Grammys, all the awards for this album I think.”

“It’s really good,” Brad Tursi chimes in. “I’m having fun making it. It just feels natural and easy…”

One of the things that makes it easy is that the guys never stop coming up with new material.

“We write so many songs for it too,” Trevor Rosen explains, “that we never really know what we’re gonna do… So when we get in there and go ‘Let’s do this one,’ it’s kinda once again taken on a life of its own, where I feel like every song is its unique little thing.”

“And it seems to be less thought out this time,” Brad adds.

“The thing I notice is that everyone is much more confident in the studio… in the songs we’re doing and the parts we’re playing,” Matthew continues. “So I think that’s gonna come across and really make those songs shine.”

“Because we, I think for the first time feel pretty much at home with what we’re doing there,” he concludes.

So far, there’s no word on when we’ll get to hear the first single from #OD3.

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