Listen now: Willie Nelson urges Americans to “Vote ‘Em Out” in new song

ABC/Paula LoboWillie Nelson’s getting political with his latest song, “Vote ‘Em Out.”

Willie originally debuted the new tune at a September 29 rally he played in Austin, Texas in support of Beto O’Rourke, who’s challenging incumbent U.S. Senator Ted Cruz.

“Here’s a new song I wanna spring on y’all tonight,” Willie told the crowd. “Take it home with you and spread it around.”

Thanks to viral video and news footage, that’s exactly what happened. So Willie headed into the studio to record the track, which encourages voters to turn out in the upcoming midterm elections.

“The biggest gun we’ve got/Is called the ballot box,” he sings, “So if you don’t like who’s in there/Vote ‘em out.”

“Vote ‘Em Out” is available to stream or download now, or you can check out an audio-only version on YouTube. Willie’s also booked to sing it on an upcoming episode of ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live!.

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