Fog threatened Old Dominion’s “Make It Sweet” video, but Matthew Ramsey says it made it even sweeter

RCA Nashville

Old Dominion‘s picturesque video for “Make It Sweet” captures a perfect day spent at the beach and in the mountains. But when the band arrived on location, the weather didn’t seem to want to cooperate.

“That was one of the coolest days ever,” lead singer Matthew Ramsey recalls. “We showed up for that shoot, and there was fog — like, the thickest fog maybe that I’ve ever seen.”

“You know, we had all these plans of these epic ocean shots and all this stuff,” he explains. “But you couldn’t see ten feet in front of you for most of the day.”

Lucky for OD, the fog cleared — leaving behind vistas that were even better than expected.

“Sure enough, towards the end of the day, it burned off,” Matthew tells ABC Radio. “And it even made for an even more amazing scene, because it was like this bed of clouds, and it looked like we were just in Heaven.”

“It was an incredible day,” he adds.

Even the extras had a great time.  “They were having a blast and making us laugh,” Matthew remembers, “and by the end, that scene where we’re all on that little porch that’s extended over this cliff, and having a dance party, it was so much fun.  It was an actual good time…”

“They had such a good attitude about being there and doing this video… you know, they’d probably never heard of us before,” he adds, with a smile. 

After a couple weeks off for spring break, OD picks up their Make It Sweet World Tour March 28 in Madison, Wisconsin.

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