Watch now: “Mr. Lonely” learns his lesson in new Midland video

ABC/Randy Holmes“Mr. Lonely” pays for his past indiscretions in Midland’s new video for their latest hit.

Actor Dennis Quaid stars as the title character in the elaborate video, which was shot on the set of the Netflix show, The Ranch.

The nearly-five-minute director’s cut starts with “Mr. Lonely” waking up from a one-night stand, before drifting into a bar where Midland is playing. 

There, he suffers a wide range of abuse at the hands of the women he’s wronged, who all sport “Mr. Lonely” tattoos. They throw pies in his face, poke him with darts, and even set him on fire — but it’s all in the name of slapstick comedy.

Midland member Cameron Duddy directed the clip with his brother Colin.

You can check out the “Mr. Lonely” video on YouTube now. 

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