Big Machine Through the years, two things have become legendary on Brad Paisley‘s tours: his notorious pranks, and how good the catering is.
Current opener Riley Green can vouch for the quality of the food.
“We’re ruined because of it!” Riley says. “You know, I’ll go out and play my own shows during the week, and then I go out with Brad on the weekend. And me and the band will just be wandering around looking for a catering tent, and we don’t have it!”
“You know, on our shows, we’re like scrounging together to get an after-show pizza,” he explains. “So we’re not roughing it on the eating side on Brad’s tour.”
Brad’s even taken it relatively easy on the “There Was This Girl” hitmaker. So far.
“He hasn’t pulled a prank yet…” Riley reveals. “During ‘Celebrity,’ he had a picture of me and [fellow opener] Chris Lane up, like we got arrested. [He put up] an old newspaper article on the big screen when we’re up there.”
“But so far, I’m still in the clear on pranks, but I can feel it coming,” he admits. “He’s definitely got that personality.”
While Riley doesn’t want to fire the first shot, he believes he’s ready should a comeback be required.
“I’ve definitely got some stuff knockin’ around up there just for retaliation’s sake,” he confesses. “But I definitely don’t feel like I need to go first. I don’t want to kicked off this tour yet. I want to let him strike first and then I’ll just see what I come up with.”
Riley’s just released his new single, “I Wish Grandpas Never Died.” It’s from his debut album, Different ‘Round Here, which arrives September 20.
The Brad Paisley World Tour continues Thursday night in Raleigh, North Carolina.
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