Jimmie Allen sued by second woman for sexual assault, recording sex video

ABC/Michael Le Brecht II

The sexual assault accusations continue for Jimmie Allen as a second woman, identified as Jane Doe 2, has come forward with assault claims. 

A new lawsuit was filed on Friday, June 9, in Tennessee federal court, accusing Allen of sexual assault and secretly recording their sexual encounter. This arrives a month after news of Allen’s alleged rape and sexual assault of his former day-to-day manager, identified as Jane Doe.

Obtained by Variety, the new report states that Jane Doe 2 met Allen when he approached her on a plane in May 2022. She claims to have not known the Grammy-nominated country artist. 

The suit says that after exchanging numbers, Jane Doe 2 and Allen began conversing numerous times daily via texts and FaceTime calls. Following two months of long-distance communication, the two met at a Las Vegas hotel, where Jane Doe 2 says the assault occurred after Allen refused to wear protection and she revoked consent. As she was leaving the hotel room, she allegedly discovered a phone that had been recording video of their sexual encounter without her consent.

Jane Doe and Joe Doe 2 are both represented by attorney Elizabeth Fegan of the Chicago-based firm FeganScott. Fegan notes that she’s spoken to more women assaulted by Allen and anticipates “more lawsuits” coming.

Allen’s attorney did not respond to ABC Audio’s request for comment.

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